Support is available in multiple languages.
Tel. 1815
A crisis event is when:
*close relative, co-worker or other person related by emotional ties:
- experiencing an acute mental condition in which a person has a distorted perception and/or loses a rational connection with reality;
- experiences a violent death, commits suicide or attempts to commit suicide;
- dies suddenly or experiences a terminal condition for other reasons;
- is a victim of an accident in which a person is injured or killed, is suspected of being the culprit of such an accident or is otherwise emotionally affected by the circumstances of the accident;
- witnessed a violent crime in which a close relative was injured or killed, or is otherwise emotionally affected by such a crisis event;
*becoming a witness(es) to an accident or the death of a person;
*due to the consequences caused by the crisis event, it is felt that a particular person or group of persons is receiving extremely negative attention from society, social networks and/or the media;
*other situations where the service recipient has been affected by a crisis event that causes them to experience a psychological crisis and, in the opinion of the specialists of the Psychological Crisis Help Center, there is a need for psychological crisis management services.
*A person experiences a threat of suicide or a threat of suicide arises in his environment (only the services of the Psychological Crisis Help Center are provided).
The service is provided free of charge throughout Lithuania, on-site or remotely.
Psychologists, psychotherapists who specialize in crisis, trauma and suicidology provide consultations.
Tel. 8 800 28888
24/7 phone support in Lithuanian. Online chat at jaunimolinija.lt I-VII 18.00–24.00
Emotional support for young people.
Free counselling.
Tel. 116 111
Free and anonymous telephone and online support.
Emotional support helpline for children and teenagers – 2–11pm daily.
vaikulinija.lt – online chat 5–11pm daily.
vaikulinija.lt – mail support (replies within 1 working day).
Tel. 116 123
24/7 phone support in Lithuanian.
viltieslinija.lt – online chat 5–8pm on weekdays.
[email protected] – email support (replies within 3 working days).
Tel. 8 800 66366
Free 24/7 emotional support in Lithuanian by phone 8 800 66366.
By email (replies within 24 hours): pagalbosmoterimslinija.lt
Online chat 5–10pm daily: pagalbosmoterimslinija.lt
8 800 80020
Helpline available 8am–10pm (Mon–Fri) and 11am–7pm (Sat–Sun and public holidays) in Lithuanian and Russian.
8 800 90012
Helpline available 9am–1pm and 5–9pm (Mon–Fri) in Lithuanian.
[email protected] –by email (replies within 5 working days)
Telephone advice for parents, adoptive parents and guardians.
Free counselling.
Tel. 880 077 277
Telephone advice 4–7pm (Tue–Sat) in Russian.
Teen and youth helpline.
Tel. 860 411 119
Emotional support for men by phone 6–9pm daily, by email at [email protected] and via online chat 6–9pm on weekdays at https://nelikvienas.lt/.
Tel. 8 670 00027
Helpline available 10am–2pm (Mon–Fri) in Lithuanian, Russian and English.
Emotional support for men. Also available via email at [email protected] (replies within 3 working days).
Services for Children and Youth.
Antakalnio g. 59, Vilnius, room 900.
Tel. (8 5) 232 7010
Email: [email protected]
Opening times:
II 10.45am–7.15pm
III 10.00am–6.30pm
IV 10.45am–7.15pm.
Loretos Asanavičiūtės g. 27A, Vilnius, room 109.
Tel. (8 5) 245 8421
Email: [email protected]
Opening times:
II-IV 8am–5pm
Šeškinės g. 24, Vilnius, room 137.
Tel. (8 6) 901 6558
Email: [email protected]
Opening times:
I, III, IV, V 10am–2.30pm
II 12–8pm.
Pylimo g. 56, Vilnius, room 416.
Tel. (8 6) 089 2816
Email: [email protected]
Opening times:
I, III 11am–5pm.
IV 12–6pm.

8 800 77277
4–7pm daily.
Emotional support for teenagers is provided by student volunteers.
Free remote mental health counselling.
Registration: Psichologinė pagalba Ukrainos žmonėms – Психологічна допомога народу України | manodaktaras.lt
Appointment times for psychologists and psychotherapists are available online and regularly updated. You can select your preferred therapist and appointment time, and register in the system by creating an account. You may access the video appointment through your account up to 10 minutes before the start time.
Sign language individual counselling and group sessions are available in person or remotely.
To register for a consultation, please email [email protected], [email protected], Facebook – Psichologė Donata or Skype – LKD.psichologas.
Crisis Support Centre volunteer psychologists provide free counselling to Ukrainian citizens and their family members in Russian and English.
Please call +370 640 51555 before visiting (address: Antakalnio g. 97, Vilnius) to confirm the next available time to speak with a psychologist in a foreign language.
Psychologists are available on weekdays (Monday to Friday) from 4pm to 8pm and on Saturdays from 12pm to 4pm. We also offer counselling remotely via Skype (krizesiveikimas) and Facebook Messenger (Krizės Įveikimas).
The first consultation is free. A social service fee of €10 per consultation applies to appointments two through eight.
More information: https://krizesiveikimas.lt/
Please refer to the self-help section for information on different ways to help yourself.
Please see the First Aid section for information on how to handle emergencies and what you can do to help yourself and others.
To book an appointment, please email [email protected]
In-person consultations in Vilnius (at A. Jakšto g. 12) or remotely 8am–7pm in Lithuanian, English and Russian.
Up to 10 free counselling sessions for Lithuanians living abroad and considering returning to Lithuania, for Lithuanians and their family members who have returned to Lithuania and are facing integration difficulties, and for foreign nationals in Lithuania experiencing integration difficulties.
Free counselling.
More information: https://www.renkuosilietuva.lt/lt/psichologas/
Please register HERE or via email at [email protected]
Free remote consultations in Lithuanian, English, Russian and Ukrainian.
Free counselling.
More information: https://www.facebook.com/anima.psichologija/
For Ukrainian companies or businesses with Ukrainian employees, Mindletic provides access to the Mindletic App for mental health. To access support, a company representative should contact Mindletic by email at [email protected] or via the website www.mindletic.com
Advice is available 24 hours a day remotely via the mobile app in Lithuanian and English.
The service is free for Ukrainian companies.
More information: https://www.mindletic.com
The platform is dedicated to providing free psychological support to people affected by the war, both those remaining in Ukraine and refugees in other countries.
Remote consultations in Russian and/or English are delivered by competent professionals from all over the world. Register with the system to select a therapist for you appointment. Available by phone or video call at an agreed time.
Please register at: https://www.psyhelpforua.eu/
Tel. +370 37 340027; +370 668 21232
Live and remote counselling on weekdays (Monday–Friday) from 9am to 5pm in Russian and English.
Support for families and individuals in crisis – both Lithuanian and Ukrainian nationals. Help for people suffering from the emotional impact of current events.
Free counselling.
More information: https://www.facebook.com/kaunoapskritiesmoterukriziucentras/ or https://www.kamkc.lt/

Support is available in multiple languages.
Individual counselling and group sessions facilitated by psychologists to improve mental health.
Free counselling.
Tel. 8 640 51555
In-person or remote support Mon–Fri 4–8pm and Sat 12–4pm in Lithuanian (Russian, Polish and English available on request). There are 2 psychologists on duty on Mondays and Saturdays.
Please contact the centre before visiting or calling in to confirm the next available time to speak with a psychologist in a foreign language. Individual counselling is available for people aged 16 and over.
More information: https://krizesiveikimas.lt/
1815 | Mobile Mental Crisis Team | Mon–Sun 8am–8pm.
Mobile Mental Crisis Response Teams provide crisis support to institutions, organisations, communities, groups of individuals and families in the wake of a crisis, such as suicide, violent death, disappearance of a person, fatal accident or injury, rape, or any other traumatic or threatening event. Support is also offered to groups affected by the war in Ukraine and war refugees.
Mutual support groups for friends and family of suicide victims. Groups run in Lithuanian. Online registration only.
Free counselling.
Tel. (8 5) 213 7808
Register by phone. Opening times: Mon–Fri 7am–7pm. Consultations in Lithuanian and Russian.
Free anonymous psychiatric support (counselling for youth aged 16+, parents and adults). In-person counselling.
Email: [email protected]
More information: https://www.rplc.lt/en/
Please book your first neurologist or psychiatrist appointment with a referral from your GP online at https://ipr.esveikata.lt/. Registration by phone: 852501717 (Mon–Thu 7am–5pm, Fri 7am–4pm) Opening times are reduced by one hour on the eve of a public holiday.
More information: https://www.santa.lt/neurologijos-centras-apie-centra/
Tel. (8 5) 611 22 612
The Child Support Centre in Vilnius offers counselling and psychotherapy for children and their parents. Free counselling for abused children and their relatives, parenting skills training and preschool teacher training.
Telephone counselling Mon and Thu 7am–4pm, Tue and Wed 9am–6pm.
Email counselling ([email protected]) Fri 7am–2.45pm.
More information: https://pvc.lt/
Naujosios Vilnios Poliklinika offers free psychological counselling to people bereaved after the suicide or attempted suicide of a loved one. Counselling is also available for people whose loved ones are self-harming. Counselling is available to all residents of Vilnius.
Registration by phone:
861233794 (Naujininkai Clinic of the Naujosios Vilnios Poliklinika)
869406721 (Naujosios Vilnios Clinic of the Naujosios Vilnios Poliklinika)
Reception +370 5 2606860.
Email: [email protected].
More information: https://www.nvpoliklinika.lt/
Please book an appointment with a psychiatrist or medical psychologist by calling 8 5 252 5788 (7am–8pm on weekdays) or online at https://e.poliklinika.lt.
Email: [email protected].
More information: https://www.poliklinika.lt/
Opening times: Mon–Fri 7am–8pm.
Please book an appointment by calling (8 5) 245 8417,
urgent psychological care on weekdays – 8 660 29 183.
Book online at https://ipr.esveikata.lt.
Email: [email protected].
More information: https://www.karpol.lt/
Opening times: 7am–8pm.
Register by calling 85 2346154.
Register online at https://ipr.esveikata.lt.
Email: [email protected].
More information: https://www.vmkl.lt/lt/
Opening times: Mon–Fri 7am–8pm.
Register by calling 85 265 8564 or (8 5) 244 2244.
Register online at https://ipr.esveikata.lt/.
Email: [email protected].
More information: https://pylimas.lt/
Opening times: Mon–Thu 8pm–7am, Fri 8pm–8am.
Weekends – from Saturday 8am to Monday 7am.
Public holidays – 24 hours a day until the next public holiday or weekend, or until 8am on Saturday or 7am on a weekday.
Register by calling 85 251 4063.
More information: https://pylimas.lt/skyriai/budincio-gydytojo-tarnyba/120
Opening times: Mon–Fri 7am–8pm.
Register by calling 85 234 7486.
Register online at https://ipr.esveikata.lt/.
Email: [email protected]
More information: https://www.antakpol.lt/
Register by calling 85 262 5979.
Call 85 261 77217 at other times.
Register online at https://ipr.esveikata.lt/.
Email: [email protected].
More information: https://www.vasaros.lt/
Mon–Fri 8am–7pm.
Register by calling +370 521 95302.
More information: https://inmedica.lt/
Tel. (8 5) 212 1453
Register by phone Mon–Fri 9am–6pm in Lithuanian and Russian.
Services available to families and individuals living in Vilnius and facing various challenges and difficulties in their daily lives.
The service is free for residents of Vilnius city and district.
Register by email at [email protected].
More information: https://www.sotas.org/
Services available to families and individuals living in Vilnius and facing various challenges and difficulties in their daily lives (e.g. difficulties in raising or educating children, relationship problems, bereavement, divorce, other challenges). Comprehensive services are available by appointment. Booking counselling appointments or training:
+370 5 246 17 72; +370 616 17473; +370 691 85822.
Email: [email protected].
Remote counselling by individual appointment in Lithuanian.
Individual psychological counselling for oncology patients and their relatives.
Free counselling.
If you notice any discrepancies in the contact list or wish to update existing information, please contact [email protected]. Thank you for your cooperation!