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Compulsory Hygiene Skills Training

The Vilnius City Municipality Public Health Bureau (Vilnius Sveikiau) is the organiser of the general programme of compulsory hygiene skills training (HB, HBB) and the special programme of compulsory hygiene skills training (H1, H2, H3, H4, H5, H6, H7, H8, H9, H10, H11, H12, H13 and H14).

The training forms part of compulsory health training, aimed at teaching hygiene awareness and skills to help protect the health of the population and the occupations and activities included in the List of Occupations and Professional Activities Requiring Compulsory Training in Healthcare and/or First Aid, as approved by the Minister of Health.

General Programme of Compulsory Hygiene Skills Training (HB, HBB) Special Programme of Compulsory Hygiene Skills Training (H1, H2, H3, H5, H6, H10, H11)
Duration – 2 academic hours. Duration – 6 academic hours.
Topics covered:

1. The importance of personal hygiene and handwashing, and the rules for handwashing.
2. Personal protective equipment.
3. Infectious disease agent groups, agent properties, disinfection, sterilisation.
4. Infectious diseases, infectious agents and routes of transmission.
5. Principles of infectious disease prevention. Immunity. Vaccines.

Topics covered:

1. Legislation regulating the organisation of social care for children and general health safety requirements in children’s education (the content of the topic is adapted to the target contingent of participants according to the specific nature of their work and workplace).
2. Requirements for the grounds, premises, lighting, heating, ventilation, air-conditioning, water supply and sewage disposal.
3. Maintenance of grounds, premises and equipment.
4. Organisation of daily routines and meals.
5. Hygiene in education.
6. Children’s healthcare (infectious disease prevention, vaccinations).

Number of participants – up to 25 Number of participants – up to 25
Price – EUR 5.00 per person Price – EUR 9.00 per person

The training provides a clear and interesting introduction to the hygiene skills training programme.

In-person or remote training. Upon completion, the Bureau issues a Health Literacy Certificate.

If you would like to book first aid training, please email [email protected] or phone +370 659 09354

Payment for hygiene skills training:

Recipient: BĮ Vilniaus miesto savivaldybės visuomenės sveikatos biuras

Address: M. K. Čiurlionio g. 100, Vilnius

Company code: 301850606

Account No: LT90 4010 0424 0390 2814

Bank: Luminor Bank AB 40100