EU Investment Projects

Investment projects represent initiatives backed by European Union funds with the objective of fostering economic growth, enhancing infrastructure, and advancing social and environmental objectives. These projects facilitate the enhancement of healthcare services, the modernization of equipment to elevate public health standards, and the provision of improved services to the population.

1. The Vilnius Public Health Bureau is supporting the delivery of measures under the Vilnius District Municipality’s Special Programme for Public Health Promotion (2023)
2. (Pending – contract not yet signed) The Hygiene Institute and the Vilnius Public Health Bureau are jointly working to implement Progress Measure No 11-001-02-10-01 of the Development Programme for Health Preservation and Promotion of the Ministry of Health of the Republic of Lithuania – Improving the Management of Threats and Risk Factors to Health.
3. (Pending – contract not yet signed) The Vilnius Public Health Bureau is implementing a project co-financed by the European Social Fund under the Regional Progress Measure No 11-001-02-10-03 (RE) ‘Improving Regional Access to High-Quality Public Health Services’.