"Socialinio recepto" logotipas
Social Prescription -

Free culture, fitness, informal education and other regular activities for older individuals

Who is it for? People in retirement (65 and over), experiencing loneliness, social isolation, bereavement, poor health due to chronic physical illness and/or mental health problems, disability, as well as guardians or carers of others in the same age group
Vyras, sukryžiavęs vieną ranką, o su kita ranka parėmęs smakrą, žiūri į viršų, tarsi galvoja
Vyresnio amžiaus moteris ir vyras žiūri vienas į kitą
Why is it important?
Retirement is an eventful phase in everyone’s life. For some people, retirement is a time for enjoying leisure, self-realisation and new hobbies. However, many seniors report a sense of emptiness, a lack of meaningful activities and a feeling of loneliness. In this new stage of life, it is important to take care of emotional health, discover a supportive community and maintain social bonds. A long and happy life demands an active social life and, most importantly, good health.
What we offer
Asmuo rodo į kompiuterio ekrane esančią nuotrauką
Informal Education Remote and in-person lectures, first aid training
Jauna mergina su telefonu rodo kažką senjorei
Volunteering and Community Visits to nursing home residents, telephone conversation with lonely seniors, humanitarian aid
Dvi senjorės stovi nugara ir į kažką žiūri
Culture and Arts Guided tours, educational and creative workshops, crafts, book club, choir
Pora, susikibusi už rankų, šoka
Health and Fitness Exercise, yoga, line dancing, Nordic walking
Senjorė nusisukusi šypsosi

Great initiative and project. It is very distracting, helps to cope with the challenges of the disease more easily."

- Roma K. (79 years old)

"I liked it. I'm grateful to be able to get things at no extra cost.”

Rima V. (65 years old)

"Expectations have been fulfilled in abundance."

Janė B. (74 years old)

"A very wide range of choices, you can find suitable activities for yourself. Thank you!"

Nijolė P. (65 years old)"